

Why Not Start a Ashram

When People Ask Me : 
Why Not Start a Ashram

Answer: The Whole Creation(World) is an Ashram By itself - One just Needs to Realize it  

Central Library

 25,000 square feet,

International Research Center

1Centre for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics
2Centre for NanoScience and NanoTechnology
3Centre for Ocean Research
4Centre for Water Research
5IBM Centre of Excellence
6Village Resource Centre
7Centre for Space Technology 
8Centre for Bioresource Research and Dev. (C-BIRD)
9Centre for Robotics and Automation
10Centre for Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
11Centre for Quality Assurance & Non Destructive Evaluation          
12Centre for Advanced Electronic Test Engineering
13Centre for Waste Management
14Centre for Laboratory Animal Research
15Centre for Climate Change Studies


Republic Day




Flash Mob

At Ampa Skywalk.


Who are You

Me to Student : Who are You

Student : Iam N
Me : I did Not Ask your Name

Student : I Did Q
Me : I did Not Ask your Qualification

Student : I belong to this Country 

Me : I did Not Ask your C

Student : Who are You(Counter Question)
Me : Iam What are You are - We are One
